The Network is based on relationships among women – in local communities, country groups, and across national borders.
Several older members were working on issues of militarism, violence against women, economic security, or environmental sustainability before coming together as a Network. They were active in the pro-democracy movement in the Philippines, the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific movement, and feminist/anti-militarist movements in Britain, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, the Philippines, and continental USA.
Women who formed the Network were involved in the founding of Durebang (My Sister’s Place) in South Korea in 1986 as a center for women working around US bases, the National Campaign for the Eradication of Crime by US Troops in Korea in 1993, the Buklod Center, Olongapo (Philippines) founded in 1987 as a drop-in center for women working around Subic Bay Naval Base, WEDPRO, REICO, a rape emergency counseling center in Okinawa, and Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence.
Some women have stayed with the Network from the beginning, and new members have been invited to participate in each international gathering. Women from Puerto Rico joined the Network in 2000, from Hawaii in 2004, and from Guahan/Guam in 2007. At the 2009 meeting in Guahan women from the Marshall Islands, Palau, and Australia also participated, extending our network of connections. In this way the Network has grown, while also maintaining a solid core of shared information and experience, and deepening relationships.
Part of our journey is about developing an organizational form that works for us. The Network consists of country groups that work together locally. Membership of country groups is based on personal and national identity as well as location. Country groups host the international meetings. Country representatives discuss issues and concerns between meetings. In November 2013 we held the first face-to-face meeting of country representatives to review Network history and clarify our organizational structure.
As we move forward together we hold open a space for women to share our experiences and struggles, to inform and inspire, and contribute to the creation of genuine security in all our communities. Read our What We Do page.